Hello There. This blog post is all about Larry and Mandi.
This is a fine example of a couple who was definitely made for eachother. Larry and Mandi met through match.com, and learned that not only did they share a love for their four legged friend, both dogs had the same name! What are the odds that your soulmate would not only be searching for you, but have the same taste in dog names?! Luckily, they brought the pups along for our photo shoot.
And allow me to add that this session had a scary train track encounter! Yes, ask any of my client's and they will tell you... I have a deep deep fear of trains, and being stuck on a track. As we were on the tracks in a questionable part of town, a passenger train came roaring down the side of us, and scared the bejesus out of me. I dove off the tracks in quite a dramatic display, screaming like a nutcase headed for the hills. But not Larry and Mandi. They stood firm (a little too close for my comfort), holding hands and embracing the wild thunder of the train together. As I was standing there, feeling the wind nearly knock me down I watched them. Smiles on their faces, ready for anything! A strength I know they will carry into their own marriage.
And yes, we broke the law being on the tracks. The police officer was very kind and gave us just a warning. He even posed with the couple.
So, please enjoy this warm hug from Larry & Mandi, and myself.