Hello reader, and welcome back!
Today's blog post is all about Brian and Cassie's BIG DAY....
I think anyone who is reading this blog that personally know's Brian and Cassie would agree, these two were made for each other. As you look through these photos, please take the time to notice the love through out this close knit group of friends, and family. From Brian's reaction to his first look of Cassie in her dress, to Cassie's loyal friends and bridesmaids doting on the smallest of details. Have a small glimpse, of an amazing father daughter bond, as Cassie's Father... (who was overcome with joy) had his first look of his baby girl, and only daughter. Or my most favorite moment, when Brian and Cassie had a few minutes alone before the ceremony. I will admit...I was a bit sneaky and took photo of the couple praying. When they were done, I asked them to "pretend" to pray again for me. Brian, (who's sister is a very talented photographer I might add) doesn't do fake prayers, and said a prayer just for me. I was and am still blessed by his prayers that day. For you see dear reader.. not only was Brian the very first groom I had pray in front of me on his wedding day, but the first to pray for me as well. And Cassie was praying right along with Brian, both spiritually bonded, and very ready to be husband and wife.
As you can imagine, I did a whole lot of crying during this wedding. And yes, I am crying as I type out the thought's of this day. But only happy tears, I promise! I am so happy for Brian and Cassie, and want to thank them again for allowing me to have the pleasure of documenting their wedding. And I thank God for His presence, and allowing me and my husband to know such a lovely family.
Please enjoy this warm hug from me, and Mr. and Mrs. May...

Part II post due tomorrow.... ;)